How Long Do I Need to Smoke Chicken Legs to Get Them Up to Temp

There's a popular myth that chickens only lay eggs for two years. This myth comes from the fact that commercial egg farms only keep their layers for two years. However, this is not because the chickens stop laying eggs. Chickens don't ever stop laying eggs. They just lay fewer eggs as they age. For a commercial egg farm, this reduction in egg production is critical to their business, but for a hobbyist chicken keeper or small farmer, one or two extra eggs per week isn't usually a huge problem.


Timeline of Egg Laying Productivity in Chickens

chicken laying egg
Image Credit: thanasus, Shutterstock

Most egg-laying chickens will lay their first egg around 18 weeks of age. Once they've laid their first egg, they'll begin laying eggs almost daily. A well-fed laying chicken should produce about 250 eggs yearly in their youth.

Each year, your chickens should lay fewer eggs than the years before that. This reduction will continue until they reach about six to seven years old, when they'll go into a "retirement" and stop laying eggs for the most part. An older laying chicken may still lay the occasional egg even well into retirement, but there won't be the same sense of consistency that they had in their youths.

The 3 Signs That Your Chicken Has Stopped Laying

If your flock isn't all the same age, it can be tough to tell which chickens are laying eggs and which ones aren't. There are many telltale signs that your chicken has stopped laying that farmers can use to determine which chickens have started to reach retirement age.

1. Her Combs and Wattles Have Faded

chicken feeding inside coop
Image Credit: nikolaus-online, Pixabay

A healthy, laying chicken will have deep pigment in her combs and wattles. If her combs and wattles have started to look dull and colorless, this could be a sign that she isn't laying eggs anymore.

2. Her Legs Are Highly Pigmented

The legs of a healthy laying chicken are usually less pigmented and may appear bleached, especially in chickens who lay brown eggs. If her legs look unusually colorful, this could signify that she isn't laying eggs anymore.

3. Her Feathers Are Looking Luxurious

Orpington chicken in the snow
Image Credit: furbymama, Pixabay

While it may seem counterintuitive, a healthy egg-laying chicken might have some broken or dull feathers. Her body isn't putting as much energy and resources into maintaining her coat; she has eggs to lay! If your chicken's coat is unusually downy and smooth, this could be a sign that she's stopped laying eggs.


Why Has My Chicken Stopped Laying Eggs?

There are many reasons your hens may have stopped laying eggs. If you're sure your hens are in the proper egg-laying age range, but you aren't finding eggs, it's time to consider why.

Your Hens Are Too Young or Too Old

If you've only recently brought your hens home, then there's a possibility that you were misled to believe that they were older or younger than they truly are. A visit to a livestock veterinarian can help you determine the actual age of your flock.

bantam chicken
Image Credit: Jeannette1980, Pixabay

It's Winter

Some egg-laying breeds lay eggs year-round, but not all of them do. Most hens will stop laying eggs between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. If you live in an area where the length of the day doesn't change much, your hens may lay eggs more frequently or not stop at all.

They're Molting

During summer and autumn, your chickens will molt their feathers, meaning they'll lose their feathers and grow new ones. They won't lay eggs during the process of molting. So if they're currently molting or have recently molted, they may not be laying eggs because of it.

They're Feeling Broody

The term "broody" in hens means that she wants to fertilize and hatch her eggs then raise the chicks. She won't want to hand over the eggs to you because she wants to hatch them and may become defensive, including eggs that aren't hers.

Broody hens may only eat once a day, leaving the nest only to eat and drink. The usual pecking order of your hens won't apply, and many hens, even dominant ones, will defer to hens who are feeling broody.

Your hen won't know that her eggs aren't fertile, either. Even if there's no rooster in your flock, she won't understand why her eggs aren't hatching. If the eggs are fertile, it's essential to separate her from the rest of the flock for her comfort and safety.

They're Stressed

If your hens are stressed out, they may not lay eggs. They may also lay misshapen eggs when stressed. These eggs are known as "body checked eggs," They occur when the body attempts to repair damage to the eggshell when the egg is still in the shell gland.

chicken flying
Image Credit: TTstudio, Shutterstock

They've Got an Improper Diet

A diet that is lacking in calcium could cause your hens not to lay eggs. Make sure they're eating enough food and that the food is providing proper nutrition for them.

They're Ill

Hens may also stop laying eggs if they're ill. A prolonged period of not laying eggs or laying misshapen eggs can be the first indicator of an illness or parasite. If your hen hasn't been laying eggs for a while, having her checked by a livestock veterinarian can help clear up any concerns and get her back to laying eggs properly.

close up of shamo chicken
Image Credit: Jrs Jahangeer, Shutterstock

They Are Laying Eggs; You Just Can't Find Them

There's also the possibility that your hens are laying eggs outside the nest box or eating their eggs. Look around in other places that your hens frequent to see if they're laying eggs outside of the nest box and look for signs of broken eggs to see if they've been snacking on their eggs out of hunger.

Additionally, look for signs of intrusion in your chicken coop. Various small predators like squirrels and rats will steal and eat a hen's eggs for sustenance. If you can't find the eggs, but there's nothing wrong with your chickens, someone may be getting to them before you.


Final Thoughts

There are many reasons that your hens may not be laying eggs. While most of them are benign, ensuring that your hens are healthy is critical. Consult with a veterinarian if your hens have stopped laying eggs suddenly. An experienced livestock veterinarian will be able to determine if your hens need time or some extra tender love and care to get back to laying eggs properly.

Featured Image Credit: Andy M, Pixabay


  • Timeline of Egg Laying Productivity in Chickens
  • The 3 Signs That Your Chicken Has Stopped Laying
    • 1. Her Combs and Wattles Have Faded
    • 2. Her Legs Are Highly Pigmented
    • 3. Her Feathers Are Looking Luxurious
  • Why Has My Chicken Stopped Laying Eggs?
    • Your Hens Are Too Young or Too Old
    • It's Winter
    • They're Molting
    • They're Feeling Broody
    • They're Stressed
    • They've Got an Improper Diet
    • They're Ill
    • They Are Laying Eggs; You Just Can't Find Them
  • Final Thoughts
    • Related

How Long Do I Need to Smoke Chicken Legs to Get Them Up to Temp


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